Dienstag, 5. November 2013

050 BELARUS - Nicholas Roerich, Boats

First of all, I would like to thank all the people who made it possible that I have more than 50 postcards now! Great job and keep sending postcards.
Secondly, this is absolutely a postcard which I don't like at all, I am not an art fan, but I will upload it anyways. But please keep in mind not to send me art cards.
Thirdly, it is really difficult to find out something about this postcard, but I can give you some informations about the painter and some key facts about the picture.

The painter Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) also was a Russian writer, archaeologist, thesophist, enlightener philosopher and public figure. Born in Saint Petersburg, Russia to the family of a well-to-do notary public, he lived around the world until his death in Naggar, India. Trained as an artist and a lawyer, his interests lay in literature, philosophy, archaeology and especially art. Roerich was a dedicated activist for the cause of preserving art and architecture in times of war. He earned several nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The so-called Roerich Pact was signed into law by the United States and most member nations of the Pan-American Union in April 1935.
This painting from Nicholas Roerich was painted in 1903. It has a size of 165 x 270 cm and is shown in the Russian city "Omsk" in the Omsk Regional Fine Arts Museum of M.A. Vrubel

About the sender

qwerchenok (postcrossing) sent from Minsk (Belarus) on 15.10.2013

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